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Course Listing for MICROBIOLOGY - Fall '08

Section Status and Seat Counts listed below are effective through Tue Dec 23 04:01:01 EST 2008. Up to the minute information can be obtained during Registration hours of operation by clicking on the Open Section Inquiry.

MB   103  001 INTRO TOP MICROBIO  status:rest credit hour:1.0        total class size:35  non-rstr seats avail:0    
days:  W     time:0130-0220PM instr:J BROWN      bldg:FOX       rm:00304   rstr seats avail:14    wait list avail:N/A  
  14  seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 320 002 FND MICR CELL CULT status:rest credit hour:2.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: F time:1250-0240PM instr:BRUNO-BARCEN bldg:BTC rm:00119 rstr seats avail:19 wait list avail:N/A 19 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 320L 201 FND MICR CELL LAB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:1145-0445PM instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg:BTC rm:00119 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 320L 202 FND MICR CELL LAB status:canc credit hour:0.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 320L 203 FND MICR CELL LAB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0520-1015PM instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg:BTC rm:00119 rstr seats avail:9 wait list avail:N/A 9 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 325 001 MICR CELL BIOTRANS status:canc credit hour:2.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 351 001 GEN MICROBIOLOGY status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:36 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:0910-1000 instr:M KEEN bldg:GARDNER rm:02207 rstr seats avail:4 wait list avail:N/A 4 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 351 002 GEN MICROBIOLOGY status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:226 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1015-1105 instr:M KEEN bldg:BOSTIAN rm:03712 rstr seats avail:7 wait list avail:N/A 7 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

MB 351 601 GEN MICROBIOLOGY status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:50 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg:EXTENSION rm:DVD rstr seats avail:4 wait list avail:N/A 4 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 351H 003 GEN MICROBIOLOGY status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1015-1105 instr:M KEEN bldg:BOSTIAN rm:03712 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 352 001 GEN MICROBIO LAB status:clos credit hour:1.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M time:1225-0315PM instr:B TROXELL bldg:GARDNER rm:01527 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 352 002 GEN MICROBIO LAB status:clos credit hour:1.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M time:0340-0630PM instr:B TROXELL bldg:GARDNER rm:01527 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 352 003 GEN MICROBIO LAB status:clos credit hour:1.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:1225-0315PM instr:S LUGINBUHL bldg:GARDNER rm:01527 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 352 004 GEN MICROBIO LAB status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:0340-0630PM instr:S LUGINBUHL bldg:GARDNER rm:01527 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 352 005 GEN MICROBIO LAB status:clos credit hour:1.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:1225-0315PM instr:TJSCHNEEWEIS bldg:GARDNER rm:01527 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 352 006 GEN MICROBIO LAB status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0340-0630PM instr:W HANEY bldg:GARDNER rm:01527 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 352 007 GEN MICROBIO LAB status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0720-1010PM instr:W HANEY bldg:GARDNER rm:01527 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 352 008 GEN MICROBIO LAB status:clos credit hour:1.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: H time:1225-0315PM instr:M TAVEIRNE bldg:GARDNER rm:01527 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 352 009 GEN MICROBIO LAB status:clos credit hour:1.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: H time:0340-0630PM instr:M TAVEIRNE bldg:GARDNER rm:01527 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 352 010 GEN MICROBIO LAB status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: F time:1225-0315PM instr:A LEE bldg:GARDNER rm:01527 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 352 011 GEN MICROBIO LAB status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: F time:0340-0630PM instr:A LEE bldg:GARDNER rm:01527 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 352 012 GEN MICROBIO LAB status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:5 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:1225-0315PM instr:M KEEN bldg:GARDNER rm:01518 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 352 014 GEN MICROBIO LAB status:clos credit hour:1.0 total class size:5 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:0340-0630PM instr:M KEEN bldg:GARDNER rm:01518 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 352H 013 GEN MICROBIO LAB status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:1225-0315PM instr:M KEEN bldg:GARDNER rm:01518 rstr seats avail:11 wait list avail:N/A 11 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 352H 015 GEN MICROBIO LAB status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:0340-0630PM instr:M KEEN bldg:GARDNER rm:01518 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 405 001 FOOD MICROBIOLOGY status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1015-1105 instr:F ARRITT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 406 001 FOOD MICROBIOL LAB status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M time:0130-0320PM instr:F ARRITT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:9 wait list avail:N/A 9 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 406P 401 FOOD MICROB LB PRB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M time:1225-0115PM instr:F ARRITT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 411 001 MEDICAL MICROBIOL status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:93 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:0910-1000 instr:T PETTY bldg:CLARK rm:00101 rstr seats avail:34 wait list avail:N/A 34 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 412 001 MED MICROBIOL LAB status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M time:1225-0315PM instr:J POLLARA bldg:GARDNER rm:01522 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 412 002 MED MICROBIOL LAB status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M time:0340-0630PM instr:J POLLARA bldg:GARDNER rm:01522 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 412 003 MED MICROBIOL LAB status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:1225-0315PM instr:A MINNIS bldg:GARDNER rm:01522 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 412 004 MED MICROBIOL LAB status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:0340-0630PM instr:A MINNIS bldg:GARDNER rm:01522 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 414 001 MICRO METABOL REG status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:60 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0830-0945 instr:J OLSON bldg:GARDNER rm:02211 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 420 001 MICR CELL BIOTRANS status:rest credit hour:2.0 total class size:4 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg:BTC rm:00123 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 420 002 MICR CELL BIOTRANS status:canc credit hour:2.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 420 003 MICR CELL BIOTRANS status:rest credit hour:2.0 total class size:4 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:1250-0240PM instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg:BTC rm:00119 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 420L 201 MICR CELL BIO LAB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:8 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg:BTC rm:00119 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 420L 202 MICR CELL BIO LAB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:8 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 420L 203 MICR CELL BIO LAB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:8 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: F time:1250-0550PM instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg:BTC rm:00110 rstr seats avail:7 wait list avail:N/A 7 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 441 001 IMMUNOLOGY status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:50 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0130-0245PM instr:M SIKES bldg:GARDNER rm:02211 rstr seats avail:22 wait list avail:N/A 22 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 490 001 SEM MICROBIOLOGY status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0300-0350PM instr:H HASSAN bldg:SCOTT rm:00106 rstr seats avail:14 wait list avail:N/A 14 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 492 001 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 492 002 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:14 wait list avail:N/A 14 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 492 003 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 492 004 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 492 005 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:14 wait list avail:N/A 14 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 492 006 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 492 007 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 492 008 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 492 009 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 492 010 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 492 011 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:14 wait list avail:N/A 14 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 492 012 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 492 013 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M KEEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 492 014 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 492 015 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 493 001 SP PROBLEMS IN MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:9 wait list avail:N/A 9 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 493 002 SP PROBLEMS IN MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:8 wait list avail:N/A 8 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 493 003 SP PROBLEMS IN MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:8 wait list avail:N/A 8 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 493 004 SP PROBLEMS IN MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:9 wait list avail:N/A 9 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 493 005 SP PROBLEMS IN MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 493 006 SP PROBLEMS IN MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 493 007 SP PROBLEMS IN MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 493 008 SP PROBLEMS IN MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 493 009 SP PROBLEMS IN MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:9 wait list avail:N/A 9 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 493 010 SP PROBLEMS IN MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 493 011 SP PROBLEMS IN MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 493 012 SP PROBLEMS IN MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 493 013 SP PROBLEMS IN MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M KEEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:9 wait list avail:N/A 9 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 493 014 SP PROBLEMS IN MB status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 493 015 SP PROBLEMS IN MB status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495 001 SP TOP-MICROBIOL status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495 002 SP TOP-MICROBIOL status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495 003 SP TOP-MICROBIOL status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495 004 SP TOP-MICROBIOL status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495 005 SP TOP-MICROBIOL status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495 006 SP TOP-MICROBIOL status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495 007 SP TOP-MICROBIOL status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495 008 SP TOP-MICROBIOL status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495 009 SP TOP-MICROBIOL status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495 010 SP TOP-MICROBIOL status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:I PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495 011 SP TOP-MICROBIOL status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495 012 SP TOP-MICROBIOL status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495B 002 SP-MCRB CL BIOTRAN status:canc credit hour:2.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495D 202 SPTP BIOTRANS LAB status:canc credit hour:0.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:CCCANCELLED bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495E 201 MICROB CELL CU LAB status:canc credit hour:0.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: F time:1200-0500PM instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495M 001 SPTP-INTR MB & BCH status:canc credit hour:3.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 495T 001 ST-MICROB CELL CUL status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:0130-0245PM instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 590 001 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:10 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 590 002 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 590 003 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 590 004 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 590 005 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 590 006 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 590 007 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 590 008 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 590 009 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:10 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 590 010 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 590 011 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:10 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 590 012 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 590C 002 TP PB-CASE STUDIES status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0130-0415PM instr:M FLICKINGER bldg:GARDNER rm:02213 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:MAJOR=MBT
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 601 001 SEMINAR status:open credit hour:1.0 total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:22 days: H time:1100-1200 instr:M SIKES bldg:GARDNER rm:03503 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 610 001 SPEC TOPICS MB status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:M MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 610 002 SPEC TOPICS MB status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 610 003 SPEC TOPICS MB status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 610 004 SPEC TOPICS MB status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 610 005 SPEC TOPICS MB status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 610 006 SPEC TOPICS MB status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 610 007 SPEC TOPICS MB status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:13 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 610 008 SPEC TOPICS MB status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 610 009 SPEC TOPICS MB status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 610 010 SPEC TOPICS MB status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 610 011 SPEC TOPICS MB status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 610 012 SPEC TOPICS MB status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 610 013 SPEC TOPICS MB status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:L BORBYE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 610 014 SPEC TOPICS MB status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 610R 002 SPTP-RNA RES&JOURN status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M time:1225-0115PM instr:J BROWN bldg:GARDNER rm:04508 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=GR OR MR OR SP
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 620 001 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 620 002 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 620 003 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 620 004 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 620 005 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 620 006 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 620 007 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 620 008 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 620 009 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 620 010 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 620 011 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 620 012 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 620 014 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 620I 002 SPPB-INDUST INTERN status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:L BORBYE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:MAJOR=MBT
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 624 001 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 670 001 MR LAB ROTATIONS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 680 001 MR MBIOL RES PRES status:open credit hour:1.0 total class size:5 non-rstr seats avail:5 days: T H time:1015-1130 instr:E MILLER bldg:FOX rm:00306 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 685 001 MR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 685 002 MR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 685 003 MR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 685 004 MR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 685 005 MR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 685 006 MR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 685 007 MR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 685 008 MR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 685 009 MR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 685 010 MR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 685 011 MR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 685 012 MR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 685 014 MR SUPERVISD TEACH status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 686 001 TEACHING EXPERIENC status:open credit hour:1.0 total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:M KEEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 690 001 MASTER'S EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 690 002 MASTER'S EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 690 003 MASTER'S EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 690 004 MASTER'S EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 690 005 MASTER'S EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 690 006 MASTER'S EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 690 007 MASTER'S EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 690 008 MASTER'S EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 690 009 MASTER'S EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 690 010 MASTER'S EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 690 011 MASTER'S EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 690 012 MASTER'S EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 690 014 MASTER'S EXAM status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 693 001 MR SUPERVISED RES status:open credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:10 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
10 non-restricted seats available
MB 693 002 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 693 003 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 693 004 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 693 005 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 693 006 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 693 007 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 693 008 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 693 009 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 693 010 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 693 011 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 693 012 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 693 014 MR SUPERVISED RES status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 695 001 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 695 002 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 695 003 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 695 004 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 695 005 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 695 006 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 695 007 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 695 008 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 695 009 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 695 010 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 695 011 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 695 012 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 695 014 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 699 001 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 699 002 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 699 003 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 699 004 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 699 005 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 699 006 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 699 007 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 699 008 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 699 009 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 699 010 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 699 011 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 699 012 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 699 014 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 714 001 METABOL REGULATION status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:22 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0300-0415PM instr:A GRUNDEN bldg:FOX rm:00140 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 718 001 INTRO VIROLOGY status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0830-0945 instr:F SCHOLLE bldg:FOX rm:00140 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 783 001 ADV IMMUNOLOGY status:canc credit hour:3.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1015-1130 instr:TONKONOGY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 790 001 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:3.0 total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 790 002 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 790 003 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 790 004 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 790 005 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 790 006 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 790 007 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 790 008 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 790 009 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 790 010 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 790 011 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 790 012 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 790 013 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 790I 002 TPPB-DIGITAL IMAG status:rest credit hour:2.0 total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0130-0220PM instr:J MACKENZIE bldg:FOX rm:00140 rstr seats avail:8 wait list avail:N/A 8 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 790J 003 TPPB-DIG IMAG LAB status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: F time:0130-0420PM instr:MACKENZIE bldg:SCOTT rm:00105 rstr seats avail:8 wait list avail:N/A 8 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 801 001 SEMINAR status:open credit hour:1.0 total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:17 days: H time:1100-1200 instr:M SIKES bldg:GARDNER rm:03503 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 810 001 SPEC TOPICS MB status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 810 002 SPEC TOPICS MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 810 003 SPEC TOPICS MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 810 004 SPEC TOPICS MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 810 005 SPEC TOPICS MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 810 006 SPEC TOPICS MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 810 007 SPEC TOPICS MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 810 008 SPEC TOPICS MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 810 009 SPEC TOPICS MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 810 010 SPEC TOPICS MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 810 011 SPEC TOPICS MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 810 012 SPEC TOPICS MB status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 810 014 SPEC TOPICS MB status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 810R 002 SPTP-RNA RES&JOURN status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg:GARDNER rm:04508 rstr seats avail:14 wait list avail:N/A 14 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR SP
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 820 001 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 820 002 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 820 003 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 820 004 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 820 005 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 820 006 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 820 007 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 820 008 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 820 009 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 820 010 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 820 011 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 820 012 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 820 014 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 824 001 TOPICAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 870 001 DR LAB ROTATIONS status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:11 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 880 001 DR MBIOL RES PRES status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1015-1130 instr:E MILLER bldg:FOX rm:00306 rstr seats avail:4 wait list avail:N/A 4 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 885 001 DR SUPERVISD TEACH status:open credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:25 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 885 002 DR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 885 003 DR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 885 004 DR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 885 005 DR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 885 006 DR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 885 007 DR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 885 008 DR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 885 009 DR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 885 010 DR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 885 011 DR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 885 012 DR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 885 014 DR SUPERVISD TEACH status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 886 001 TEACHING EXPERIENC status:open credit hour:1.0 total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:11 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 890 001 DR PRELIM EXAM status:open credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:15 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 890 002 DR PRELIM EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 890 003 DR PRELIM EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 890 004 DR PRELIM EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 890 005 DR PRELIM EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 890 006 DR PRELIM EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 890 007 DR PRELIM EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 890 008 DR PRELIM EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 890 009 DR PRELIM EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 890 010 DR PRELIM EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 890 011 DR PRELIM EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 890 012 DR PRELIM EXAM status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 890 014 DR PRELIM EXAM status:canc credit hour:var total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 893 001 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 002 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 003 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 004 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:24 wait list avail:N/A 24 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 005 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:24 wait list avail:N/A 24 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 006 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:24 wait list avail:N/A 24 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 007 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:24 wait list avail:N/A 24 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 008 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:22 wait list avail:N/A 22 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 009 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:24 wait list avail:N/A 24 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 010 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 011 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:23 wait list avail:N/A 23 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 012 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:24 wait list avail:N/A 24 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 013 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F DE LOS REY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 014 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 015 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 016 DR SUPERVISED RES status:open credit hour:var total class size:5 non-rstr seats avail:5 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A MB 893 017 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 893 018 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F DE LOS REY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 001 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:30 wait list avail:N/A 30 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 002 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:30 wait list avail:N/A 30 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 003 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:30 wait list avail:N/A 30 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 004 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:30 wait list avail:N/A 30 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 005 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:29 wait list avail:N/A 29 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 006 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:30 wait list avail:N/A 30 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 007 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:30 wait list avail:N/A 30 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 008 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:30 wait list avail:N/A 30 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 009 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:29 wait list avail:N/A 29 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 010 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:30 wait list avail:N/A 30 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 011 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:30 wait list avail:N/A 30 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 012 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:30 wait list avail:N/A 30 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 013 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F DE LOS REY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:30 wait list avail:N/A 30 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 014 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 015 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 016 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 017 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 895 018 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 001 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:E MILLER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 002 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BROWN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 003 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J BRUNO-BARC bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 004 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M FLICKINGER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 005 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:A GRUNDEN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:23 wait list avail:N/A 23 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 006 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:H HASSAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:24 wait list avail:N/A 24 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 007 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M HYMAN bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:24 wait list avail:N/A 24 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 008 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S LASTER bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 009 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J OLSON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:23 wait list avail:N/A 23 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 010 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T PETTY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:24 wait list avail:N/A 24 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 011 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F SCHOLLE bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 012 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M SIKES bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 013 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F DE LOS REY bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 014 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F BREIDT bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:19 wait list avail:N/A 19 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 015 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 016 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 017 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
MB 899 018 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available