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Course Listing for RELIGION (ALSO SEE PHILOSPHY) - Fall '08

Section Status and Seat Counts listed below are effective through Tue Dec 23 04:01:01 EST 2008. Up to the minute information can be obtained during Registration hours of operation by clicking on the Open Section Inquiry.

REL  200  001 INTRO STUDY RELIG   status:rest credit hour:3.0        total class size:47  non-rstr seats avail:0    
days: T H    time:0300-0415PM instr:DNSCHMID     bldg:WITHERS   rm:00120   rstr seats avail:1     wait list avail:N/A  
  1  seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 298E 001 ST-REL ECOL S ASIA status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0600-0845PM instr:P JAIN bldg:RIDDICK rm:00319 rstr seats avail:9 wait list avail:N/A 9 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 300 001 REL TRADS OF WORLD status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:45 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0300-0415PM instr:TKSTEWART bldg:WINSTON rm:00114 rstr seats avail:4 wait list avail:N/A 4 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 300 002 REL TRADS OF WORLD status:canc credit hour:3.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1145-0100PM instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 300 003 REL TRADS OF WORLD status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:45 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:0430-0715PM instr:DCORCUTT bldg:POE rm:00218 rstr seats avail:3 wait list avail:N/A 3 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 311 001 INTRO OLD TESTAM status:canc credit hour:3.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1015-1105 instr: bldg:WITHERS rm:00105 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 311 002 INTRO OLD TESTAM status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1225-0115PM instr:D LIU bldg:WITHERS rm:00105 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 312 001 INTRO NEW TESTAM status:canc credit hour:3.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1225-0115PM instr:STAFF bldg:WITHERS rm:00105 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 312 002 INTRO NEW TESTAM status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1015-1105 instr:D LIU bldg:WITHERS rm:00105 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 314 001 INTERTESTAMENT LIT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1120-1210 instr:W ADLER bldg:WITHERS rm:00105 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 317 001 CHRISTIANITY status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:46 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1015-1105 instr:MKCUNNINGHAM bldg:WINSTON rm:00114 rstr seats avail:3 wait list avail:N/A 3 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 331 001 HINDU TRADITION status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:45 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0130-0245PM instr:TKSTEWART bldg:WINSTON rm:00114 rstr seats avail:7 wait list avail:N/A 7 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 333 001 CHINESE RELIGIONS status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:47 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0430-0545PM instr:DNSCHMID bldg:WITHERS rm:00120 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 340 001 ISLAM status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0300-0415PM instr:FCZULFIKAR bldg:WITHERS rm:00105 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 413 001 APOSTLE PAUL status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0300-0415PM instr:W ADLER bldg:WITHERS rm:00344 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 423 001 REL&POL 20THC AMER status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0300-0415PM instr:JCBIVINS bldg:WINSTON rm:00129 rstr seats avail:16 wait list avail:N/A 16 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 471 001 DARWIN & CHRISTNTY status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:35 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0130-0245PM instr:MKCUNNINGHAM bldg:WINSTON rm:00129 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 491B 001 SP BENGAL REL TEXT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:5 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TKSTEWART bldg:WITHERS rm:00340 rstr seats avail:4 wait list avail:N/A 4 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
REL 498 001 SPEC TOP IN REL status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:STAFF bldg:WITHERS rm:00340 rstr seats avail:14 wait list avail:N/A 14 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available