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Course Listing for HONORS - Fall '08

Section Status and Seat Counts listed below are effective through Tue Dec 23 04:01:01 EST 2008. Up to the minute information can be obtained during Registration hours of operation by clicking on the Open Section Inquiry.

HON  202  001 INQUIRY/DISCOV LIT  status:rest credit hour:3.0        total class size:20  non-rstr seats avail:0    
days:M W F   time:1225-0115PM instr:S JOFFE      bldg:CLARKHALL rm:00205   rstr seats avail:2     wait list avail:N/A  
  2  seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 202 002 INQUIRY/DISCOV LIT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0130-0245PM instr:M GRIMWOOD bldg:TOMPKINS rm:0G109 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 202 003 INQUIRY/DISCOV LIT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0300-0415PM instr:M GRIMWOOD bldg:TOMPKINS rm:0G109 rstr seats avail:3 wait list avail:N/A 3 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 202 004 INQUIRY/DISCOV LIT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0430-0545PM instr:L LINKER bldg:WINSTON rm:00020 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 202 005 INQUIRY/DISCOV LIT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0600-0715PM instr:L LINKER bldg:TOMPKINS rm:0G123 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 202 006 INQUIRY/DISCOV LIT status:canc credit hour:3.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0800-0945 instr:L SEVERIN bldg:WINSTON rm:00020 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 202 007 INQUIRY/DISCOV LIT status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1145-0100PM instr:L MAY bldg:TOMPKINS rm:00126 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 202 008 INQUIRY/DISCOV LIT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0300-0415PM instr:L MAY bldg:TOMPKINS rm:0G112 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 202 009 INQUIRY/DISCOV LIT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0830-0945 instr:L SEVERIN bldg:WINSTON rm:00020 rstr seats avail:4 wait list avail:N/A 4 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 290A 001 HNST-TEXTILES&TECH status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1225-0115PM instr:N GUSTKE bldg:WITHERS rm:00246 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 292A 001 HNST-CHAOS&ENTROPY status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0130-0245PM instr:K DANIELS bldg:RIDDICK rm:00314 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 293N 002 HNST-EASTASIAN LIT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0430-0545PM instr:J BALABAN bldg:TOMPKINS rm:0G123 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 293O 001 HNST-SHKSPR LDRSHP status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1015-1130 instr:B BLACKLEY bldg:WINSTON rm:00020 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 296C 004 HON ST-CREAT PRO S status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1015-1130 instr:RLBLANTON bldg:CLARKHALL rm:00205 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 298 001 HON RES/IND STUDY status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:RLBLANTON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:17 wait list avail:N/A 17 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 298 002 HON RES/IND STUDY status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:RLBLANTON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:22 wait list avail:N/A 22 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 321 001 MUSIC AND SCI SOUN status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1015-1130 instr:P STILES bldg:RIDDICK rm:00319 rstr seats avail:4 wait list avail:N/A 4 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 343 001 PHILOSOPH ETHICS status:canc credit hour:3.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0130-0245PM instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 361 001 ECO-REALISM status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0410-0655PM instr:PATAVAKOLI bldg:CLARKHALL rm:00205 rstr seats avail:4 wait list avail:N/A 4 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 391 001 MUSIC & SOCIAL LIF status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1145-0100PM instr:JCKRAMER bldg:PRICE rm:00120 rstr seats avail:3 wait list avail:N/A 3 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 395 001 HONORS CO-OP EDUC status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:RLBLANTON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 397 001 HONORS EXT ENGAGE status:rest credit hour:var total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:RLBLANTON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 398B 001 HON-CLIM CNG CHALL status:canc credit hour:2.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:0500-0700PM instr:RIBRUCK bldg:JORDAN rm:01214 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 398B 002 HON-CLIM CNG CHALL status:rest credit hour:2.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:0600-0800PM instr:RIBRUCK bldg:JORDAN rm:01214 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 398W 003 HON-WASH DC SEM status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:5 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:RLBLANTON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:4 wait list avail:N/A 4 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 498 001 HON RES/PROJ 1 status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:100 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:RLBLANTON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:98 wait list avail:N/A 98 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 498 002 HON RES/PROJ 1 status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:RLBLANTON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 499 001 HON RES/PROJ 2 status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:100 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:RLBLANTON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:97 wait list avail:N/A 97 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
HON 499 002 HON RES/PROJ 2 status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:25 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:RLBLANTON bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available