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Course Listing for FOOD SCIENCE - Fall '08

Section Status and Seat Counts listed below are effective through Tue Dec 23 04:01:01 EST 2008. Up to the minute information can be obtained during Registration hours of operation by clicking on the Open Section Inquiry.

FS   201  001 FOOD SC & CONSUMER  status:clos credit hour:3.0        total class size:100 non-rstr seats avail:0    
days:M W F   time:1120-1210   instr:GKHARRIS     bldg:SCHAUB    rm:00105   rstr seats avail:0     wait list avail:N/A  
  0  seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

FS 201 601 FOOD SC & CONSUMER status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:K HARRIS bldg:EXTENSION rm:INTER rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 290 002 CAREERS FS & BBS status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:35 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:1225-0115PM instr:LGTURNER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:8 wait list avail:N/A 8 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
0 non-restricted seats available
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

FS 295B 601 SP-FOOD IN GLB SOC status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:50 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T HOBAN bldg:EXTENSION rm:INTER rstr seats avail:47 wait list avail:N/A 47 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available

FS 322 001 MUSCLE FOODS & EGG status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:13 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0830-0945 instr:DHANSON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 322L 201 MUS FOODS & EGG LB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:19 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:1225-0215PM instr:DHANSON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:13 wait list avail:N/A 13 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 322L 202 MUS FOODS & EGG LB status:clos credit hour:0.0 total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:0230-0420PM instr:DHANSON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 322L 203 MUS FOODS & EGG LB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:0235-0420PM instr:DHANSON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:19 wait list avail:N/A 19 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FOR COURSE INFORMATION CONTACT: DR. TURNER AT -513-2093 OR JONATHAN ALLEN AT 513-2257 FS 324 001 MILK AND DAIRY PRO status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LGTURNER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:12 wait list avail:N/A 12 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

FS 324 601 MILK AND DAIRY PRO status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TURNER/ALLEN bldg:EXTENSION rm:INTER rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

FS 350 601 INTRO TO HACCP status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J RUSHING bldg:EXTENSION rm:INTER rstr seats avail:8 wait list avail:N/A 8 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

FS 351 601 SANIT STD OP_PROC status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:D WARD bldg:EXTENSION rm:INTER rstr seats avail:11 wait list avail:N/A 11 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

FS 352 601 INTRO MICRO FD HAZ status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:D WARD bldg:EXTENSION rm:INTER rstr seats avail:16 wait list avail:N/A 16 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

FS 353 601 GOOD MANUFAC PRAC status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J RUSHING bldg:EXTENSION rm:INTER rstr seats avail:11 wait list avail:N/A 11 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

FS 354 601 FOOD SANITATION status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:L TURNER bldg:EXTENSION rm:INTER rstr seats avail:17 wait list avail:N/A 17 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available

FS 400 001 PRINC HUMAN NUTRN status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:35 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:0805-0855 instr:JCALLEN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:23 wait list avail:N/A 23 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 402 001 CHEM FD BIOPRO MAT status:clos credit hour:4.0 total class size:48 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:0910-1000 instr:EAFOEGEDING bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 402L 201 CH FD BIOPRO LAB status:clos credit hour:0.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0130-0415PM instr:EAFOEGEDING bldg:SCHAUB rm:00114 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 402L 202 CH FD BIOPRO LAB status:clos credit hour:0.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0430-0715PM instr:EAFOEGEDING bldg:SCHAUB rm:00114 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 405 001 FOOD MICROBIOLOGY status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:50 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1015-1105 instr:FM ARRITT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:33 wait list avail:N/A 33 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 406 001 FOOD MICROBIOL LAB status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M time:0130-0320PM instr:FMARRITT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:13 wait list avail:N/A 13 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 406P 401 FOOD MICROB LB PRB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:26 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M time:1225-0115PM instr:FMARRITT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:21 wait list avail:N/A 21 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

FS 407 601 HAZ ANLY FD SAFETY status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:D WARD bldg:EXTENSION rm:INTER rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 421 001 FOOD PRESERVATION status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:28 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1015-1130 instr:CRDAUBERT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:17 wait list avail:N/A 17 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 421L 201 FOOD PRESERV LAB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:28 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: H time:0130-0415PM instr:CRDAUBERT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00103 rstr seats avail:17 wait list avail:N/A 17 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 492 001 EXTNL LEARNING EXP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:STAFF bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:14 wait list avail:N/A 14 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 493 001 SP PROBLEMS IN FS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:STAFF bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:12 wait list avail:N/A 12 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 495 001 SP TOP FOOD SCI status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:STAFF bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:14 wait list avail:N/A 14 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 591 001 SPEC PROB FOOD SCI status:rest credit hour:2.0 total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0910-1000 instr:GKHARRIS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00103 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 591 002 SPEC PROB FOOD SCI status:canc credit hour:2.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1015-1130 instr:KPSANDEEP bldg:SCHAUB rm:00114 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A FS 591C 005 SPPB-FOOD PRESERVA status:open credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:5 days: T H time:1015-1130 instr:CRDAUBERT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A FS 591D 203 SP-FOOD PRESER LAB status:open credit hour:0.0 total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:6 days: H time:0130-0415PM instr:CRDAUBERT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00103 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A FS 591F 002 SP-CHEM FD BIOPRO status:clos credit hour:4.0 total class size:4 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:0910-1000 instr:EAFOEGEDING bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A FS 591G 202 SP-CH FD BIOPRO LA status:open credit hour:0.0 total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:3 days: W time:0130-0415PM instr:EAFOEGEDING bldg:SCHAUB rm:00114 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A FS 591J 003 SP-FOOD MICROBIOLO status:open credit hour:3.0 total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:1 days:M W F time:1015-1105 instr:AFLETCHER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A FS 591K 004 SP-FOOD MICROB LAB status:open credit hour:1.0 total class size:24 non-rstr seats avail:19 days:M time:0130-0320PM instr:FMARRITT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A FS 591M 005 SP-NUTRACEUTICA status:clos credit hour:2.0 total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0910-1000 instr:K HARRIS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00103 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 591O 002 ST-FRUIT QUALITY status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M time:0435-0720PM instr:FISK/SPAYD bldg:WINSTON rm:00132 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR JR OR MR OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

FS 591R 601 SPPB-FOOD RHEOLOGY status:open credit hour:2.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:20 days:ARRANG time: instr:C DAUBERT bldg:EXTENSION rm:INTER rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A FS 620 001 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:19 days:ARRANG time: instr:STAFF bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A FS 623 001 SPEC RES PROBLEMS status:open credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:9 days:ARRANG time: instr:STAFF bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A FS 685 001 MR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:STAFF bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 685 029 MR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:FMARRITT bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 001 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JCALLEN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 002 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LCBOYD bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 003 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F BREIDT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 004 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:GLCATIGNANI bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 005 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:CRDAUBERT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:14 wait list avail:N/A 14 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 006 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:MADRAKE bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:13 wait list avail:N/A 13 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 007 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:BEFARKAS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 008 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:EAFOEGEDING bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 009 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DPGREEN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 010 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:AFLETCHER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 011 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DJHANSON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 012 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LAJAYKUS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 013 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S KATHARIOU bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 014 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:KM KEENER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 015 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TRKLAENHAMME bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:14 wait list avail:N/A 14 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 016 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TCLANIER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 017 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:RMMCFEETERS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 018 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:KPSANDEEP bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 019 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:THSANDERS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 020 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:BWSHELDON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 022 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DVTRUONG bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 023 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TPHISTER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 024 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JDAVIS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 025 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LDEAN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 026 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JSHEPPARD bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 027 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:IDIAZ-MUNIZ bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 028 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:K HARRIS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:13 wait list avail:N/A 13 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 693 029 MR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:FMARRITT bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 001 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JCALLEN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 002 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LCBOYD bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 003 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F BREIDT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 004 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:GLCATIGNANI bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 005 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:CRDAUBERT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 006 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:MADRAKE bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:19 wait list avail:N/A 19 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 007 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:BEFARKAS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 008 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:EAFOEGEDING bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:17 wait list avail:N/A 17 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 009 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DPGREEN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 011 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DJHANSON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 012 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LAJAYKUS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:19 wait list avail:N/A 19 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 013 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S KATHARIOU bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:18 wait list avail:N/A 18 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 015 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TRKLAENHAMME bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 016 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TCLANIER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 017 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:RMMCFEETERS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:19 wait list avail:N/A 19 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 018 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:KPSANDEEP bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 019 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:THSANDERS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 020 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:BWSHELDON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 022 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DVTRUONG bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:18 wait list avail:N/A 18 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 023 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TPHISTER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 024 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JDAVIS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 025 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LDEAN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 026 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JSHEPPARD bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 027 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:L DIAZ-MUNIZ bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 028 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:K HARRIS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 695 029 MR THESIS RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:FMARRITT bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 001 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JCALLEN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 002 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LCBOYD bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 003 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F BREIDT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 004 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:GLCATIGNANI bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 005 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:CRDAUBERT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 006 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:MADRAKE bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 007 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:BEFARKAS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 008 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:EAFOEGEDING bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 009 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DPGREEN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 010 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:AFLETCHER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 011 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DJHANSON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 012 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LAJAYKUS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 013 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S KATHARIOU bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 015 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TRKLAENHAMME bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 016 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TCLANIER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 017 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:RMMCFEETERS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 018 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:KPSANDEEP bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 019 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:BWSHELDON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 020 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:BWSHELDON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 022 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DVTRUONG bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 023 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TPHISTER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 024 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JDAVIS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 025 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LDEAN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 026 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JSHEPPARD bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 027 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:L DIAZ-MUNIZ bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 028 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:K HARRIS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 699 029 MR THESIS PREPARAT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:FMARRITT bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=MR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 706 001 VITAMIN METABOLISM status:rest credit hour:2.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:1120-1210 instr:GLCATIANANI bldg:SCHAUB rm:00114 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 751 001 FOOD INGRED TECH status:rest credit hour:4.0 total class size:22 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1225-0115PM instr:TCLANIER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00114 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 751L 201 FOOD INGRED TEC LB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:22 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: F time:0130-0415PM instr:TCLANIER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00114 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 780 001 SEMINAR FOOD SCI status:open credit hour:1.0 total class size:22 non-rstr seats avail:13 days: W time:0335-0525PM instr:TCLANIER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00105 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A FS 785 001 FOOD RHEOLOGY status:open credit hour:3.0 total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:21 days:M W time:0910-1000 instr:CRDAUBERT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00114 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A FS 785L 201 FOOD RHEOLOGY LAB status:open credit hour:0.0 total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:22 days: T time:1225-0215PM instr:C DAUBERT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00114 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A FS 791 001 SP PROB FOOD SCI status:rest credit hour:var total class size:5 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:STAFF bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:4 wait list avail:N/A 4 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 820 002 SPECIAL PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:STAFF bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 823 001 SPEC RES PROBLEMS status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:STAFF bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR OR GR OR MR OR SP OR SR
0 non-restricted seats available

FS 885 001 DR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:STAFF bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 885 029 DR SUPERVISD TEACH status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:FMARRITT bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:9 wait list avail:N/A 9 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 001 DR SUPERVISED RES status:open credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:10 days:ARRANG time: instr:JCALLEN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
10 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 002 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LCBOYD bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 003 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F BREIDT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:19 wait list avail:N/A 19 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 004 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:GCCATIGNANI bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 005 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:CRDAUBERT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:19 wait list avail:N/A 19 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 006 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:MADRAKE bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:16 wait list avail:N/A 16 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 007 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:BEFARKAS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 008 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:EAFOEGEDING bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:19 wait list avail:N/A 19 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 009 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DPGREEN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 011 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DJHANSON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 012 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LAJAYKUS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 013 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S KATHARIOU bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:18 wait list avail:N/A 18 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 014 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:KMKEENER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 015 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TRKLAENHAMME bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 016 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TCLANIER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 017 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:RMMCFEETERS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 018 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:KPSANDEEP bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:18 wait list avail:N/A 18 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 019 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:THSANDERS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 020 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:BWSHELDON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 022 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DVTRUONG bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 023 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TPHISTER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 024 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JDAVIS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 025 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LDEAN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 026 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JSHEPPARD bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 027 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:L DIAZ-MUNIZ bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 028 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:K HARRIS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 893 029 DR SUPERVISED RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:FMARRITT bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:20 wait list avail:N/A 20 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 001 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JCALLEN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:9 wait list avail:N/A 9 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 002 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LCBOYD bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 003 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F BREIDT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 004 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:GLCATIGNANI bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 005 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:CRDAUBERT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:8 wait list avail:N/A 8 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 006 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:MADRAKE bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:9 wait list avail:N/A 9 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 007 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:BEFARKAS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 008 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:EAFOEGEDING bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:7 wait list avail:N/A 7 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 009 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DPGREEN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 010 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:APHANSEN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 011 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DJHANSON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 012 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LAJAYKUS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:8 wait list avail:N/A 8 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 013 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S KATHARIOU bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 014 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:KMKEENER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 015 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TRKLAENHAMME bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:9 wait list avail:N/A 9 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 016 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TCLANIER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:8 wait list avail:N/A 8 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 017 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:RMMCFEETERS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 018 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:KPSANDEEP bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:9 wait list avail:N/A 9 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 019 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:THSANDERS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:9 wait list avail:N/A 9 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 020 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:BWSHELDON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 022 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DVTRUONG bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:9 wait list avail:N/A 9 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 023 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TPHISTER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 024 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:J DAVIS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 025 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LDEAN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 026 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JSHEPPARD bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 027 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:L DIAZ-MUNIZ bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 028 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:K HARRIS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 895 029 DR DISSERTAT RES status:rest credit hour:var total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:FMARRITT bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:9 wait list avail:N/A 9 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 001 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JCALLEN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 002 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LCBOYD bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 003 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:F BREIDT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 004 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:GLCATIGNANI bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 005 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:CRDAUBERT bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 006 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:MADRAKE bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:14 wait list avail:N/A 14 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 007 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:BEFARKAS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 008 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:EAFOEGEDING bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:14 wait list avail:N/A 14 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 009 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DPGREEN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:14 wait list avail:N/A 14 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 010 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:APHANSEN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 011 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DJHANSON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 012 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LAJAYKUS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:13 wait list avail:N/A 13 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 013 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:S KATHARIOU bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:14 wait list avail:N/A 14 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 014 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:KMKEENER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 015 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TRKLAENHAMME bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:14 wait list avail:N/A 14 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 016 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TCLANIER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 017 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:RMMCFEETERS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 018 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:KPSANDEEP bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 019 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:THSANDERS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 020 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:BWSHELDON bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 022 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:DVTRUONG bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 023 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:TPHISTER bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 024 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JDAVIS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 025 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:LDEAN bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 026 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:6 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:JSHEPPARD bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 027 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:L DIAZ-MUNIZ bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 028 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:K HARRIS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00100 rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available
FS 899 029 DR DISSERTAT PREP status:rest credit hour:var total class size:15 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:FMARRITT bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:15 wait list avail:N/A 15 seats restricted available:CLASS=DR
0 non-restricted seats available