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Course Listing for BUSINESS MANAGEMENT - Fall '08

Section Status and Seat Counts listed below are effective through Tue Dec 23 04:01:01 EST 2008. Up to the minute information can be obtained during Registration hours of operation by clicking on the Open Section Inquiry.

BUS  110  001 MICRO APPL MGT      status:rest credit hour:2.0        total class size:30  non-rstr seats avail:0    
days:    F   time:0805-0955   instr:J DUNN       bldg:NELSON    rm:0B411   rstr seats avail:15    wait list avail:N/A  
  15  seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 110 002 MICRO APPL MGT status:rest credit hour:2.0 total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: F time:1015-1205 instr:J DUNN bldg:NELSON rm:0B411 rstr seats avail:4 wait list avail:N/A 4 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 110 003 MICRO APPL MGT status:canc credit hour:2.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: F time:0230-0420PM instr:J DUNN bldg:NELSON rm:0B411 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 110 004 MICRO APPL MGT status:rest credit hour:2.0 total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: F time:1225-0215PM instr:J DUNN bldg:NELSON rm:0B411 rstr seats avail:11 wait list avail:N/A 11 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 201 001 SCHEDULE MIE 201 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: BUS 225 001 PERSONAL FINANCE status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:280 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M time:0600-0845PM instr:M HART bldg:NELSON rm:03400 rstr seats avail:86 wait list avail:N/A 86 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 225 003 PERSONAL FINANCE status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0130-0245PM instr:M HART bldg:NELSON rm:01120 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

BUS 225 601 PERSONAL FINANCE status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:100 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:W SLOAN bldg:EXTENSION rm:DVD rstr seats avail:32 wait list avail:N/A 32 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 305 001 SCHEDULE MIE 305 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: DISTANCE EDUCATION COURSE:
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

BUS 305 601 SCHEDULE MIE 305 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: BUS 310 001 SCHEDULE MIE 310 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: BUS 311 001 SCHEDULE MIE 311 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: BUS 320 001 FINANCIAL MANAGE status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:280 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0130-0245PM instr:W SLOAN bldg:NELSON rm:03400 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 320 002 FINANCIAL MANAGE status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1120-1210 instr:M HART bldg:NELSON rm:01212 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 320 003 FINANCIAL MANAGE status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1145-0100PM instr:D EAGAN bldg:NELSON rm:01140 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 320 004 FINANCIAL MANAGE status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0430-0545PM instr:C DAVIS bldg:NELSON rm:01140 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 320 006 FINANCIAL MANAGE status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:75 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1250-0205PM instr:M JONES bldg:TEXTILES rm:02207 rstr seats avail:16 wait list avail:N/A 16 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 330 001 SCHEDULE MIE 330 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: BUS 335 001 SCHEDULE MIE 335 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: BUS 340 001 INFO SYSTEM MGMT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:250 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1145-0100PM instr:J EARP bldg:NELSON rm:03400 rstr seats avail:19 wait list avail:N/A 19 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 340 002 INFO SYSTEM MGMT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1015-1130 instr:J YUILL bldg:NELSON rm:01120 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 340 003 INFO SYSTEM MGMT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0430-0545PM instr:S FOWLER bldg:NELSON rm:0B400 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350 001 ECON BUSINESS STAT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:220 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1225-0115PM instr:T REILAND bldg:NELSON rm:03400 rstr seats avail:12 wait list avail:N/A 12 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350 002 ECON BUSINESS STAT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:220 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0300-0415PM instr:C YOUNGBLOOD bldg:NELSON rm:03400 rstr seats avail:54 wait list avail:N/A 54 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350 003 ECON BUSINESS STAT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0130-0245PM instr:O MOVCHAN bldg:NELSON rm:01120 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

BUS 350 601 ECON BUSINESS STAT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:T REILAND bldg:EXTENSION rm:INTER rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350L 201 ECON BUSIN STAT LB status:clos credit hour:0.0 total class size:37 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M time:0130-0220PM instr:T REILAND bldg:DANIELS rm:00222 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350L 202 ECON BUSIN STAT LB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:37 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M time:0235-0325PM instr:T REILAND bldg:DANIELS rm:00222 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350L 203 ECON BUSIN STAT LB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:37 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0130-0220PM instr:T REILAND bldg:DANIELS rm:00222 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350L 204 ECON BUSIN STAT LB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:37 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0235-0325PM instr:T REILAND bldg:DANIELS rm:00222 rstr seats avail:17 wait list avail:N/A 17 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350L 205 ECON BUSIN STAT LB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:37 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0340-0430PM instr:T REILAND bldg:HARRELSON rm:00320 rstr seats avail:3 wait list avail:N/A 3 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350L 206 ECON BUSIN STAT LB status:clos credit hour:0.0 total class size:37 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0130-0220PM instr:T REILAND bldg:HARRELSON rm:00320 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350L 207 ECON BUSIN STAT LB status:canc credit hour:0.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0235-0325PM instr:C YOUNGBLOOD bldg:NELSON rm:0B411 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350L 208 ECON BUSIN STAT LB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:37 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0340-0430PM instr:C YOUNGBLOOD bldg:NELSON rm:0B411 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350L 209 ECON BUSIN STAT LB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:37 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: H time:0830-0920 instr:C YOUNGBLOOD bldg:NELSON rm:0B400 rstr seats avail:12 wait list avail:N/A 12 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350L 210 ECON BUSIN STAT LB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:37 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:0910-1000 instr:C YOUNGBLOOD bldg:NELSON rm:0B411 rstr seats avail:3 wait list avail:N/A 3 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350L 211 ECON BUSIN STAT LB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:37 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: H time:1145-1235 instr:C YOUNGBLOOD bldg:NELSON rm:0B411 rstr seats avail:5 wait list avail:N/A 5 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350L 212 ECON BUSIN STAT LB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:37 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: W time:1015-1105 instr:C YOUNGBLOOD bldg:NELSON rm:0B411 rstr seats avail:7 wait list avail:N/A 7 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 350L 213 ECON BUSIN STAT LB status:rest credit hour:0.0 total class size:37 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:0830-0920 instr:C YOUNGBLOOD bldg:NELSON rm:0B411 rstr seats avail:27 wait list avail:N/A 27 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 360 001 MARKETING MGT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:280 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1015-1105 instr:P REUSCHLE bldg:NELSON rm:03400 rstr seats avail:101 wait list avail:N/A 101 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 360 002 MARKETING MGT status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1120-1210 instr:P REUSCHLE bldg:NELSON rm:01150 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 360 003 MARKETING MGT status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0130-0245PM instr:E WEEMS bldg:NELSON rm:01212 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 360 004 MARKETING MGT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:0910-1000 instr:C KIMBROUGH bldg:NELSON rm:01130 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

BUS 360 601 MARKETING MGT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:50 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:C KIMBROUGH bldg:EXTENSION rm:INTER rstr seats avail:8 wait list avail:N/A 8 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 370 001 OPERATIONS MGMT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:250 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0430-0545PM instr:D FAVRE bldg:NELSON rm:03400 rstr seats avail:4 wait list avail:N/A 4 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 370 002 OPERATIONS MGMT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:35 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0130-0245PM instr:P MORRISSETT bldg:DANIELS rm:00331 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 370 003 OPERATIONS MGMT status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0300-0415PM instr:P MORRISSETT bldg:NELSON rm:01212 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 370 004 OPERATIONS MGMT status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0130-0245PM instr:VILLA-PARRIS bldg:FOX rm:00104 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
The tuition and fee charges for DE courses are separate and distinct from the tuition and fees charged for On-Campus courses.
Please see Distance Education Important Notice for further instructions.

BUS 370 601 OPERATIONS MGMT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:35 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:P MORRISSETT bldg:EXTENSION rm:CABLE rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 406 001 SPORTS LAW status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:10 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:M KANTERS bldg:BILTMORE rm:02018 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 412 001 SCHEDULE MIE 412 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: BUS 413 001 SCHEDULE MIE 413 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: BUS 419 001 SCHEDULE MIE 419 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: BUS 420 001 FIN MGMT OF CORP status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0830-0945 instr:B DANIELSEN bldg:NELSON rm:01212 rstr seats avail:3 wait list avail:N/A 3 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 420 002 FIN MGMT OF CORP status:canc credit hour:3.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1015-1105 instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 420 003 FIN MGMT OF CORP status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0430-0545PM instr:K MITCHELL bldg:NELSON rm:03210 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 420 004 FIN MGMT OF CORP status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0130-0245PM instr:JCPOINDEXTER bldg:HARRELSON rm:00100 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 420 005 FIN MGMT OF CORP status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1015-1130 instr:B DANIELSEN bldg:NELSON rm:01212 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 422 001 INVEST PORTFOL MGT status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1015-1130 instr:C DAVIS bldg:SCHAUB rm:00103 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 422 002 INVEST PORTFOL MGT status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1145-0100PM instr:C DAVIS bldg:GARDNER rm:02207 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 422 003 INVEST PORTFOL MGT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0130-0245PM instr:C JONES bldg:NELSON rm:02402 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 422 004 INVEST PORTFOL MGT status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0300-0415PM instr:C JONES bldg:NELSON rm:02402 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 422 005 INVEST PORTFOL MGT status:canc credit hour:3.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0830-0945 instr:STAFF bldg:NELSON rm:02405 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 425 001 ADV PERS FIN MGT status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1145-0100PM instr:W SLOAN bldg:NELSON rm:02406 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 425 002 ADV PERS FIN MGT status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0300-0415PM instr:W SLOAN bldg:NELSON rm:01130 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 426 001 INTERNAT'L FIN MGT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0130-0245PM instr:J DUTTON bldg:NELSON rm:01150 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 426 002 INTERNAT'L FIN MGT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0300-0415PM instr:J DUTTON bldg:NELSON rm:01150 rstr seats avail:3 wait list avail:N/A 3 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 432 001 SCHEDULE MIE 432 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: BUS 434 001 SCHEDULE MIE 434 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: BUS 435 001 SCHEDULE MIE 435 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: BUS 436 001 SCHEDULE MIE 436 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: BUS 438 001 SCHEDULE MIE 438 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: BUS 440 001 DATABASE MANAGEMNT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1015-1130 instr:F PAYTON bldg:NELSON rm:0B411 rstr seats avail:7 wait list avail:N/A 7 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 441 001 BUSINESS DATA COMM status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1145-0100PM instr:J YUILL bldg:NELSON rm:01120 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 442 001 INFO SYSTEMS DEVEL status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0600-0715PM instr:S FOWLER bldg:NELSON rm:0B400 rstr seats avail:24 wait list avail:N/A 24 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 444 001 SYS ANALY & DESIGN status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:9 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0130-0245PM instr:J YUILL bldg:NELSON rm:0B400 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 449 001 IT CAPSTONE status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0130-0245PM instr:F PAYTON bldg:NELSON rm:0B411 rstr seats avail:26 wait list avail:N/A 26 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 461 001 SERVICES MARKETING status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:0805-0855 instr:T HOLLOMAN bldg:NELSON rm:02210 rstr seats avail:26 wait list avail:N/A 26 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 462 001 MARKETING RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0130-0245PM instr:S MOON bldg:NELSON rm:01140 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 462 002 MARKETING RESEARCH status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0300-0415PM instr:S MOON bldg:NELSON rm:01140 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 462 003 MARKETING RESEARCH status:canc credit hour:3.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0430-0545PM instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 462 004 MARKETING RESEARCH status:canc credit hour:3.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0300-0415PM instr:J BOHLMANN bldg:DABNEY rm:00330 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 464 001 INTERNATIONAL MKTG status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0600-0715PM instr:J PIROZZI bldg:NELSON rm:02406 rstr seats avail:17 wait list avail:N/A 17 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 465 001 IMC MANAGEMENT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1015-1105 instr:C KIMBROUGH bldg:NELSON rm:01130 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 465 002 IMC MANAGEMENT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1120-1210 instr:C KIMBROUGH bldg:NELSON rm:01130 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 466 001 PERSONAL SELL status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0300-0415PM instr:J PIROZZI bldg:NELSON rm:02406 rstr seats avail:6 wait list avail:N/A 6 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 466 002 PERSONAL SELL status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0430-0545PM instr:J PIROZZI bldg:NELSON rm:02406 rstr seats avail:17 wait list avail:N/A 17 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 466 003 PERSONAL SELL status:canc credit hour:3.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0600-0715PM instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 467 001 PRODUCT MANAGEMENT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:0910-1000 instr:W KANG bldg:NELSON rm:01212 rstr seats avail:19 wait list avail:N/A 19 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 467 002 PRODUCT MANAGEMENT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1015-1105 instr:W KANG bldg:NELSON rm:01212 rstr seats avail:10 wait list avail:N/A 10 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 468 001 MARKETING STRATEGY status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:0910-1000 instr:STANKO bldg:NELSON rm:02405 rstr seats avail:25 wait list avail:N/A 25 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 468 002 MARKETING STRATEGY status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W F time:1015-1105 instr:STANKO bldg:NELSON rm:02405 rstr seats avail:23 wait list avail:N/A 23 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 472 001 OP PLAN & CTRL SYS status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:45 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1015-1130 instr:D WARSING bldg:JORDAN rm:01108 rstr seats avail:2 wait list avail:N/A 2 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 474 001 LOGISTICS MGT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0830-0945 instr:C ROSSETTI bldg:NELSON rm:01120 rstr seats avail:13 wait list avail:N/A 13 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 475 001 PURCH SUPPLY MGT status:canc credit hour:3.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0130-0245PM instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 475 002 PURCH SUPPLY MGT status:rest credit hour:3.0 total class size:30 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0130-0245PM instr:D FAVRE bldg:POE rm:00224 rstr seats avail:1 wait list avail:N/A 1 seats restricted available:MAJOR=ACC OR ACF OR ACM OR ACS OR BUS OR EC OR ECS
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 478 001 BUS PROCESS MGT status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:40 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:0300-0415PM instr:M BUCCI bldg:NELSON rm:01212 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 479 001 SUPP CHN MGT PRACT status:clos credit hour:3.0 total class size:16 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr: bldg:NELSON rm:02150 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A 0 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 480 001 SCHEDULE MIE 480 status: credit hour: total class size: non-rstr seats avail:0 days: time: instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail: BUS 495S 001 ST-INTERNSHP EXP status:rest credit hour:1.0 total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:KSDAVIS bldg:NELSON rm:02150 rstr seats avail:7 wait list avail:N/A 7 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 498 001 IND STUDY BUS MGMT status:rest credit hour:var total class size:20 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:ARRANG time: instr:D BAUMER bldg:NELSON rm:02150 rstr seats avail:13 wait list avail:N/A 13 seats restricted available:DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL REQUIRED
0 non-restricted seats available
BUS 522 001 PORTFOLIO CAP MKT status:canc credit hour:3.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T H time:1015-1130 instr:R WARR bldg:NELSON rm:01150 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A BUS 522 002 PORTFOLIO CAP MKT status:canc credit hour:3.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days: T time:0600-0845PM instr: bldg: rm: rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A BUS 574 001 MGT OF TECHNOLOGY status:canc credit hour:2.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0910-1100 instr:STAFF bldg:NELSON rm:01120 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A BUS 574 002 MGT OF TECHNOLOGY status:canc credit hour:2.0 total class size:0 non-rstr seats avail:0 days:M W time:0600-0930PM instr:STAFF bldg:NELSON rm:01130 rstr seats avail:0 wait list avail:N/A